Purchases exempt from GenAI procurement procedures

  1. Mandatory California Prison Industry Authority (CALPIA) purchases of goods and services (See SCM Vol. 2, Chapter 5, Section 502).
  2. Mandatory services provided by Office of State Publishing (OSP).
  3. Mandatory services provided by California Department of Technology (CDT).
  4. Purchases from DGS Surplus Property.
  5. Interagency agreements between CA state departments that do not include third party contracts.
  6. Commodity types that do not include a technology or service component. Examples include:
    • Office, medical, and cleaning supplies (staplers, pens, masks, mops, etc.)
    • Office furniture (chairs, desks, etc.)
    • Non-IT hardware (hammer, nails, buckets, etc.)
  7. Clarification of commodity purchases that would NOT be exempt include items with a technology component, including but not limited to Bluetooth, network, cloud computing, and software use, are not exempt (e.g. vehicles with technology, refrigerator with technology including software, networked printers, cloud computing software license to access online content including news, information, and communication services, etc.).